Château d’Hautpoul
- Terminal 10
Hautpoul is one of the most important fortified sites of the Montagne Noire, composed du castrum who overlook the valley of the Arnette since more than 1000 ans and the mountain holding the church of Saint Sauveur around which were located a large number of habitats during siècles.
The entries of the castrum were guarded by five doors. The stone walls were consolidated by several square towers. At the center were a gothic church where some element can be located Three châteaux were part of the ensemble called « Château de La Sala » with some rank of stones opus spicatum (fish), typical of the Xe century.
In front of door called « Fort de Rivière »,from the XVIe century, overlooking the entrance. From the tower at the top of the roca (rocher de la Vierge) nothing was left. Citadel refuge of the cathares after being a high place visited by the troubadours, Simon de Montfort in April 1212, renovated the place which were ruined during the one hundred year war.
End of XVe century, the place was taken by different armies until XVIe century, then liquidated by the royal troupes in 1629. During the XVIIIe century, residential houses were built at the village of Hautpoul and since that time the place has been located.
On this ancient medieval village dominate the gorges of the Arnette and the city of Mazamet. The rocky walls enjoy the presence of falcon Hibou Grand-duc. The bats enjoy the place and use it for the reproduction.